2013 Reading Resolutions.

I've never been one to take some resolutions at the beginning of a new year. The main reason is because, well, I most denititely fail them but also because I've simply never felt the change of year ( I have this feeling generally in September so with the start of a new academic year actually). However this year I decided that it was time to challenge myself a little bit and see how it all goes.

1. Read 50 books.
    In 2012 I believe I have read around 30 books approximatively but this year I decided that I wanted to take it to a higher level. 50 seems attainable and hopefully I'll complete the challenge (without the help of graphic novels haha)

2. Read most of the books I own.
    I own 27 books that I have yet to read, all of them being purchased second-hand so at a very good price that I ABSOLUTELY couldn't pass up (Right? Right? Right?). While I know I won't read them all this year ,because I basically don't want to and I have other upcoming titles/sequels that I am more eager to read (Yes another excuse to buy more books), I would to get through most of them.

3. Read a classic novel per month.
    This one is inspired by Stacey from .http://theprettybooks.wordpress.com/about/ . I like the idea of making some time for one classic per month, after all these aren't called "classics" for no reason. There are some specific titles that I want to tackle such as The Lord Of The Rings and The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien as well as Les Misérables by Victor Hugo. 
There will probably be a couple months where this challenge won't be respected because of exams/holidays but the basic aim is 12 classics.

4. Vary my reads.
    It's something that I already sort of try to do but this year I truly want explore as many genres as I can. I'm talking Young Adult, Adult, Fantasy, Science-Fiction, Non-Fiction, Biography/Memoirs, Contemporary, Paranoral, Romance, Historical maybe even Horror and whatnot. I don't want to stick to a certain category. I believe that reading allow us to expand/diversify our minds and let us explore different cultures/worlds/civilizations and I'm surely craving all of that so now It's up to me!

I hope I will stick to these 4 resolutions (especially the first one which is the most challenging I assume).!

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